Friday, January 30, 2009

Doing Well

Jaeden has officially become a handful. He does sleep through the night but he is up most of the day. He is a busy body and quite the alert one. He wants you to play with him and show him attention all of the time. Needless to say, mommy does not get a break but he is a lot of fun.

Jaeden is over 20 lbs now and loves to eat. He has started solid foods and when it is time to eat, I am convinced I do not move fast enough for him. He is not too fond of sweet peas but we are still working on it. I have tried to mix it with thr fruit, but he is not easily fooled. LOL

Jaeden is getting over a cold, but I must say he did well and is recovering nicely. Thanks to those Synagis shots. They are definitely doing their job.

Here are some pics...Enjoy!!!

A Personal Note...

As a parent who loves and wants the best for your children you make sure you take them to the doctor for their shots and their well-visits. You are mindful of the fact that they need to eat nutritious meals and you tell them to eat all their veggies. You make sure they are bathed, well groomed and that they wear clean clothes. You do your best to protect them so that they do not get sick or catch anything from others. You are determined that they get the best education available and some pay for private or charter schools, because you want nothing but the best, no matter what the cost. You tell your children do not talk to strangers, look both ways before you cross. Not to mention you protect them from the more obvious hazards such as burns, electrical shock, falls and choking.

What you may not be aware of is there is another hazard, that is present RIGHT IN YOUR OWN HOME!!!! Scientists and doctors are discovering that there is a connection between our health and the use of common everyday household chemicals. The typical home has dozens of cleaning and personal care products that contain chemical ingredients that are harmful to you and your children. There is a rise in chronic illnesses in adults and children. Doctors, scientists and government agencies are all concerned about the health consequences of children being exposed to toxic chemicals.

Shouldn't you be concerned too??

Do you know what chemicals your children are being exposed to while they are in school or in daycare? What do they clean with? What is the air quality like?

Sure your children may not show immediate effects but what about the long-term? Does it make sense to wait around and see what may happen when we have the resources to take preventive measures?

Have you noticed the amount of children that are suffering from asthma, cancer, ADD and other learning disorders. There are so many babies that are born premature...some survive and some don't. For some babies that do survive, how many have birth defects, respiratory issues, heart problems, etc.? My son was in the hospital for two months and my pregnancy was far from a walk in the park. I did all that I could do to make sure that my baby would be healthy, but I sure do wish I knew then what I know now. There are so many babies who fall victim to SIDS. These are all things that are becoming so common, but each and every one of us, can do our part to educate ourselves and be a part of the solution.

For me, it was as simple as making a switch. Switch out all the poisonous cleaners in my home and bringing in safer, healthier products that are just as effective if not better than what I had. I have changed my laundry detergent, everyday cleaners, bathroom cleaners and more. It's a small change, but I think about how great it would be to get as many people as I could who will listen and who are willing to make a change as well.

I could never put a price tag on the health and safety of the lives of my children, my husband and myself. I know what we went through during my whole pregnancy, and while I was in the hospital because the doctor put me on total bedrest and my son had to be monitored while in the womb. I know what I went through and what I saw other parents go through while our children were in the NICU fighting to survive. Most of us were blessed to be able to bring our children home, but some of us were not so fortunate.

I have made it my mission to help as many people, whether you are a parent or not to get rid of all the toxic chemicals in your home. There are safer alternatives.....all you have to do is be willing to make a willing to do your research.....What do you have to lose??

If you are interested in learning more about how you can make your home safer and healthier for you and your family and all the loved ones close to you, please go to www. livegreenandsave. tk. I would love to speak to you further about those alternatives. I am NOT a salesperson, I only share information....The decision is yours in the end. I just want to do my part to share what I know with as many people as possible.

Be well and enjoy your health!!!

My son is my miracle and has awakened in me the true meaning of life. He is my inspiration to help others!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Seven Months

Jaeden turned seven months on Tuesday. He is 18.8 lbs. He has four teeth coming in, two on the bottom and two on top. He is usually a happy baby, but as of late, he has been quite cranky. He is on solid food now. He has been introduced to sweet potatoes, bananas and apple sauce. We tried doing the peas, but he is not a fan at all. He spits is right out. Jaeden keeps his mommy very busy, hence, no updates since November. He does not sleep as much as he used to. He is very demanding and likes a lot of attention, coupled with mommy running her own home based business. It is quite a juggle to keep up and the blog pretty much has taken a back seat. My husband had pleaded with me to at least put some pictures up. So here are some shots. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

November's Update

Overall, this month was great! We had a few events, but nothing to cause alarm, for now. No news is good news.

Jaeden did not get sick this month. Thank God!!!! His sleeping pattern is much better for mommy's health these days. He has been going to sleep by 11 pm and waking up at around 8 or 9 am.

To be continued.........I have to put Jaeden to sleep!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Happy Election Day!!!

What a historical day?? This is definitely it! History in the making and we are all SUPER EXCITED to be a part of it all.
Today, as a family, we all went to vote! Soooooo EXCITING!!!!! The process was so quick. We were in and out. There were no issues at all. The machines worked and there weren't any lines. Of course we live in a small town and there are numerous poll locations.

Now we just wait and see, who wins this election. I can tell you one thing.....This family is pulling for Barack/Biden....ALL THE WAY!!!
(Resting up before I go to vote!!!)
(Coming out the booth with Daddy, We dit it!!!!)

(Just Chillin', Waiting to see what happens now)

(I did my part, Did you do yours??)

(We helped make history, now we're going home to wait for the results!)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

That Synagis Shot!

Damn!!!! These preemies go through so much. Sheesh!!!

Jaeden's appointment for his Synagis shot was today. The needle goes in deep and they inject the medicine SLOWLY!!! Jaeden doesn't need to be able to speak to let me know that the shot hurt. If it feels anything like the steroid shot I got when I was pregnant with him.....Hmmph! I know that things is painful. Just the thought. He cried a little but for the most part, what can I say, he IS a trooper. He fell asleep, instantly, afterwards. He had to stay in the doctor's office for 15 minutes after the shot to make sure he did not have a reaction to the shot. He did well. There is some redness and puffiness around the injection site. But thank God, nothing else. He definitely caught up on some sleep but is very cranky when awake. He fidgets a lot while he is asleep, but he is sleep, nonetheless. We've been giving him Tylenol every 4 hours and will continue to do so for a 24 hour period.

To think we have to do this again on December 1. Jae has to get this shot for the remainder of this RSV season. This shot today was one in a series of six. One down, five more to go. April cannot get here soon enough.

Just a reminder, his MRI is this coming Friday, please keep us in your prayers.
The pictures above are when we left to go to the doctor's office and these two below are afterwards. Notice how he holds his thigh. That's where his boo-boo is. :-(

Friday, October 31, 2008

More photos

Please Pray for My Baby

It's been about 5 weeks since my last entry. I won't make excuses. I will just give an update.

Jaeden is over 14 lbs. He is doing well at the present time. Things were not so well at the beginning of October. He caught a cold (the culprit is still unknown but we have a couple people of and it landed him in the hospital. Several tests were done to see if he had RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus), which is a common virus that causes mild cold-like symptoms in infants and children. Due to the fact he is a premature baby he is at a higher risk of coming in contact with it. He, however, tested negative so that was a great blessing. Before he was taken to the hospital he was given nebulizer treatments in the doctor's office that helped a lot with the congestion. They sent home a nebulizer so that I could give him treatments every four hours. He was getting better at the first follow-up visit but at the second follow-up visit he took a turn for the worse. Jaeden had to be admitted in the hospital because treatments had to be given every two hours and he was given a steroid to help his lungs. Once he started to improve, the treatments were given every three hours then every four. By Sunday he was doing much better and his pediatrician felt comfortable with sending him back home to us. We still had to give him nebulizer treatments every four hours. He is still on treatments now, but they are only twice a day. Tomorrow Jae is scheduled to get a shot called Synagis which is to prevent him from getting a serious case of RSV. This will give him the necessary virus-fighters that are specifically targeted against RSV. So my lil man will get an injection in his thigh tomorrow. We pray he does not experience too many, if any, of the possible side effect which include slight fever, itching at the site of the injection, vomitting or diarrhea.

This month we paid a couple visits to the hematologist to have the hemangiomas evaluated. The doctor advised that they were not anything to be of too much concern to have them removed. It is best to leave them alone at this point and give them time to resolve themselves. He was referred to radiology to get an ultrasound of his abdomen to see if there were possible hemangiomas on his internal organs. It was concluded that he indeed does have a mass on his liver. I was told that the mass can be one of two things. It can be a hemangioma which was more likely or it can be a hepatoblastoma which is less likely. Blood work was done to determine his AFP (Alpha-Fetoprotein) level. If his levels are normal then an ultrasound would be done every 1-2 months to monitor the mass. If his levels are abnormal this can mean certain types of cancer may be present. The next step would be to have an MRI done and then possibly a biopsy. The day after the blood test was done, I received a phone call informing that his AFP levels are slightly elevated. Right now, we have the MRI scheduled for November 7th. Please keep Jaeden in prayer. We are NOT claiming anything at this time. Our family has claimed VICTORY in all this. Jaeden is a soldier and he has not come this far for nothing. I believe that God's plan is way bigger than all of us put together.

That is our update for October. I pray that everyone will be well and be blessed. I will update you on the outcome of the Synagis shot that he will get tomorrow. I will definitely keep everyone posted on the MRI.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Oh Happy Day!!! Oh Happy Day!! What a day Saturday was.

Saturday, Jaeden attended his own baby It was simply marvelous. All of our loved ones were there. Everyone showed us unbelievable amounts of love. Family is great. Everyone that needed to be there WAS there. Some couldn't make it and we missed them. Some chose not to come and we don't care. lol The day was beautiful and we were surprised. All I can say is I love my friends and family from the bottom of my heart. There are no words that can begin to express the amount of gratitude I have in my heart.

This has been such a challenging year but every struggle and every trial has proved itself to be worth it. We have a beautiful, happy, sweet baby who makes tremendous progress everyday. Everytime he wakes up to feed or to coo and look around is a miracle. We are so appreciative for each moment. We could never begin to convey our heartfelt and most genuine gratitude for everyone's support, well wishes, prayers, love and caring thoughts. Through the grace of God, the magnificent support system and love of such great family and friends is what helped us to stay afloat, kept us encouraged and able to get us moment to moment. I thank everyone. I thank those who have proved to be more family than family itself. I love you all.

Saturday was amazing, it made me feel something that is beyond what I can put into words. All I can say is THANK YOU to everyone!!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Catch up Update

It's been quite a while since our last post. Yes I know. Well, we are back and hopefully more consistently, this go around. ;-)

Little Jaeden, or should I say Big Jaeden made three months and had his visit with the pediatrician on Saturday, September 6. and he weighed in at 9 lbs 1 oz. That was then but he has to be over 10 lbs now. I am quite sure of it. He is our little porker. I LOVE IT!!!!! He has the cutest cheeks and he is so juicy. He is healthy and doing extraordinarily well. We were referred to a specialist for his hemangiomas. I have to take him next week Wednesday so stay tuned. Next week Tuesday is his Early Intervention appointment so stay tuned for that as well.

Today was his appointment with the eye doctor. His eyes are fully developed and very healthy. Thank God! Who is better than him? Hmmph!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

First Play Date

Today Jaeden had his very first play date. Kingston came over today to visit him, however, Jaeden didn't seem to want to entertain much. Sorry, Kingston! We will make it up to you. Jaeden slept the whole time that Kingston was here. It was still great to have the company. Kingston and Jaeden are two big boys and they look great. God Bless them both.

Today we did miss Annie. We will catch her the next time. She didn't have time for us. She went to the beach for the holiday weekend. We hope she had fun. She was with us today in spirit. :-)

Thursday, August 28, 2008


What do you mean, you may ask? Isn't his birthday June 6th? Well, today is Master Gibbs', original expected due date. Today is the day he would have been born had he not been so anxious to enter the world and be with his family. ;-)
We're happy and extremely grateful that he is here, regardless of what his birthday is.

Million Dollar Question


It is a strawberry birthmark. The technical term for it is Hemangioma . It is a benign self-involuting tumor of cells that line blood vessels. They are connected to the circulatory system and filled with blood. The appearance depends on location. If they are on the surface of the skin they look like a ripe strawberry, if they are just under the skin they present as a bluish swelling. In most cases, hemangiomas will disappear over time. The cause is uknown. They appear early in life, usually the first few weeks. It started off really small. I thought it was a tiny bruise because of the IV and the constant switching from one side to another. Later on, we noticed it kept getting bigger and bigger and that is when I asked the nurse what it was. She told us what they were and informed us that they enlarge during the first year of life (thus causing worry) but stop enlarging by the end of the first year and start involuting. It should disappear by the time he is two years old.

Considering all the other obstacles we had to come, the birthmark seemed to be the least thing to be concerned about. Jaeden has a great pediatrician who is keeping an eye on the marks and will refer us to a hematologist when he reaches 4 or 5 months. Treatment is discouraged because they usually go away on it's own. As long as it does not interfere with his sight, or the use of his arm and the ability to bend it, there is really nothing to worry about. Once he is seen by the specialist, the condition can be better assessed. For now, it is just cosmetic but it does not interfere with my baby being cute or sweet or the love of our lives. Overall he is healthy and a true blessing.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Things are good. My days and nights consists of changing poopie diapers, feedings every three to four hours. Getting no sleep at night. Just Friday night Master Gibbs decided it would be a great idea to stay up until 4 am. This was very different than what I am used to, but he seemed to pull it together on Saturday night. I was sooooo tired on Saturday, I swear I had to have been sleep walking. I still don't know how I made it through. I took a nap that lasted a long time, since he slept during the day, but I made sure I went to sleep as soon as he did at night. I didn't know what would be in store for me that night, but he did well. Way better than a 4 am bedtime, that's for sure.

Here are a few pictures for your viewing pleasure. How can you not love his little face. ;-)
